All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- ACE - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- ACE - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- addTie() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Increments the number of ties (splits) for the player.
- addWin() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Increments the number of wins for the player.
- calculate() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Performs the calculation of the probabilities of winning and tying for each player.
- Calculator - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator
The main class that performs the odds calculations for the Joker calculator application.
- Calculator(CalculatorArgs) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Creates a Calculator object based on the specified CalculatorArgs object.
- Calculator(List<Player>) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Creates a Calculator object with the specified players.
- Calculator(List<Player>, ArrayList<Card>) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Creates a Calculator object with the specified players and board cards.
- Calculator(List<Player>, List<Card>) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Creates a Calculator object with the specified players and dead cards.
- Calculator(List<Player>, List<Card>, List<Card>) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Creates a Calculator object with the specified players, board cards, and dead cards.
- CalculatorArgs - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator
Represents the command-line arguments for the Joker calculator application.
- CalculatorArgs() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CalculatorArgs
- Card - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card
Represents a card in a deck.
- CardConverter - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator
A custom converter for converting a String representation of a card to a Card object.
- CardConverter() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CardConverter
- close() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Closes the Card instance by removing it from the created cards collection.
- CLUBS - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
- CLUBS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitAlias
- CLUBS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitEmoji
- convert(String) - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CardConverter
Converts the provided String value to a Card object.
- cz.matfyz.rudad.joker - module cz.matfyz.rudad.joker
The main module of the joker calculator.
- cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator - package cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator
This package contains classes for calculation of the odds of players' hands.
- cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card - package cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card
This package contains classes related to the card functionality.
- cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator - package cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator
This package contains classes for evaluating a poker hand.
- DIAMONDS - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
- DIAMONDS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitAlias
- DIAMONDS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitEmoji
- DP - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.DPTables
DP table for computing the quinary hash of a hand.
- DPTables - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator
Contains DP tables used in the hand evaluator.
- DPTables() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.DPTables
- EIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- EIGHT - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- emoji() - Method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
Returns the emoji representation of the suit.
- evaluate7Cards(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Evaluator
Evaluates the strength of a poker hand with 7 cards given their card IDs.
- evaluate7Cards(Card, Card, Card, Card, Card, Card, Card) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Evaluator
Evaluates the strength of a poker hand with 7 cards given as individual Card objects.
- evaluate7Cards(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Evaluator
Evaluates the strength of a poker hand with 7 cards specified as string aliases.
- evaluate7Cards(List<Card>) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Evaluator
Evaluates the strength of a poker hand with 7 cards given as a list of Card objects.
- Evaluator - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator
The Evaluator class provides methods for evaluating poker hands with 7 cards.
- FIVE - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- FIVE - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- FLOP - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
- FLUSH - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.HashtableFlush
Hash table for flushes.
- FOUR - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- FOUR - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- fromAlias(char) - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
Returns the Rank corresponding to the given alias.
- fromAlias(char) - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
Returns the Suit corresponding to the given alias.
- fromAlias(String) - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
Returns the Rank corresponding to the given alias.
- fromAlias(String) - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
Returns the Suit corresponding to the given alias.
- getAlias() - Method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
Returns the character alias of the rank.
- getAlias() - Method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
Returns the character alias of the suit.
- getBoard() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Returns the array of board cards in the calculator.
- getBoardCards() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CalculatorArgs
Returns the list of board cards.
- getCardId() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns the ID of the card.
- getCards() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Returns the cards held by the player.
- getCommandLine() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CalculatorArgs
Returns the underlying CommandLine object for advanced usage.
- getDeadCards() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Returns the array of dead cards in the calculator.
- getDeadCards() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CalculatorArgs
Returns the list of dead cards.
- getInstance(int) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns a Card instance based on the provided card ID.
- getInstance(Rank, Suit) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns a Card instance based on the provided rank and suit.
- getInstance(String) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns a Card instance based on the provided card alias.
- getNumberOfTies() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Returns the number of ties (splits) for the player.
- getNumberOfWins() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Returns the number of wins for the player.
- getPlayers() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Returns the array of players in the calculator.
- getPlayers() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CalculatorArgs
Returns the list of players.
- getRank() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns the rank of the card.
- getSuit() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns the suit of the card.
- getTieProbability() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Returns the tie probability of the player.
- getWinProbability() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Returns the win probability of the player.
- Hashtable7 - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator
Contains the hash table for 7-card hands without flushes.
- Hashtable7() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Hashtable7
- HashtableFlush - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator
Contains hash table for flushes.
- HashtableFlush() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.HashtableFlush
- HEARTS - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
- HEARTS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitAlias
- HEARTS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitEmoji
- isFirstHandWinning(short, short) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Evaluator
Determines if the first poker hand is winning against the second poker hand.
- isPrintSuitEmojis() - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns if the suit emoji should be printed.
- isSecondHandWinning(short, short) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Evaluator
Determines if the second poker hand is winning against the first poker hand.
- isTied(short, short) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Evaluator
Determines if two poker hands are tied.
- JACK - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- JACK - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- KING - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- KING - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- main(String[]) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
The entry point for the Joker Calculator application.
- MAX_DEAD_CARDS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
- MAX_PLAYERS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
- MIN_PLAYERS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
- NINE - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- NINE - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- NOFLUSH7 - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.Hashtable7
Hash table for 7-card hands without flushes.
- parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CalculatorArgs
Parses the command-line arguments and fills the players, boardCards and deadCards.
- Player - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator
Represents a player in a poker game.
- Player(Card...) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Constructs a player with a hand given by the cards.
- Player(String...) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Constructs a player with a hand given by the aliases of the cards.
- Player(List<Card>) - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Constructs a player with a hand given by the cards.
- PRE_FLOP - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
- printOdds() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
Prints a summary of the odds of winning and tying for each player.
- QUEEN - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- QUEEN - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- Rank - Enum Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card
Represents the ranks of a card in a deck.
- RankAlias - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card
Contains aliases for the ranks.
- RankAlias() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- RIVER - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
- setPrintSuitEmojis(boolean) - Static method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Sets if the suit emoji should be printed.
- setTieProbability(int) - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Sets the tie probability of the player based on the total number of hands.
- setWinProbability(int) - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Sets the win probability of the player based on the total number of hands.
- SEVEN - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- SEVEN - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- shouldPrintEmojis() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.CalculatorArgs
Returns whether emojis should be printed instead of letters.
- SIX - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- SIX - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- SPADES - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
- SPADES - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitAlias
- SPADES - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitEmoji
- Suit - Enum Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card
Represents the suits of a card in a deck.
- SuitAlias - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card
Contains aliases for the suits.
- SuitAlias() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitAlias
- SuitEmoji - Class in cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card
Contains emojis for the suits.
- SuitEmoji() - Constructor for class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.SuitEmoji
- SUITS - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.evaluator.DPTables
Hash table for checking if and which suit is flush.
- TEN - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- TEN - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- THREE - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- THREE - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- toString() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Player
Returns a string representation of the player's cards.
- toString() - Method in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Card
Returns the string representation of the card.
- toString() - Method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
Returns the string representation of the rank.
- toString() - Method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
Returns the string representation of the suit.
- TURN - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator
- TWO - Enum constant in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
- TWO - Static variable in class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.RankAlias
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Rank
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.card.Suit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values